How happy are you with your life?

Think about it for a moment…100%? If not why not? Despite your circumstances , you can be 100% happy. It’s achievable , because happiness comes from within. It’s about inner transformation, which has to happen before it can be externally manifested.-Gustav Gous


Welcome to my Website

I help individuals and corporates create and have better relationships through my web based technology and my courses. Let me help you get the loyal following you deserve, we use relationships in every part of our life to get things done! So why should you use me? I have been on the “Bad” side, I got divorced 17 years ago and don’t want anyone to go through the pain and humiliation it caused me. I also owned a few businesses during this time and could never get the relationships I wanted until I discovered the secret to healthy relationships. We often underestimate the importance of having good relationships. We don’t realise that we actually use it almost every minute of every day to get things done. Having a good relationship with your spouse means you go to work with peace of mind. Having a good relationship with your mechanic means your vehicle is running smoothly, a good relationship with the café owner means you getting great service with a smile and sometimes a bit extra chips at the Take Away counter, or free sweets for the kids. A good relationship with your superiors open doors to promotion, a good relationship with your peers help you get the job done on time every time. A good relationship with those under you earns you respect and co-operation. A good relationship with the janitor help to keep your environment cleaner than the others… See where this is going? Please sign up for my monthly newsletter here: Name Email Address.  Want to understand relationships?            Click here!

-Jacques Booysen

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    Stop talking Start Living.

    Before we take the steps to get you on the road we need to discuss and discover who you are and where you are in life.We start by asking 7 very important questions:

    In the course over a period of 7 weeks we’ll answer these questions together and you’ll have a crystal clear route to travel but also the right mindset, tools and vehicle to get there.

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